All posts by Christopher Miles

Self Driving PRT Pod Heathrow Airport

PRT- Self Driving Travel Pods On Demand

Small Scale Rapid Transit: In a previous post,  we reviewed Light Rail and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) options.  In comparison to larger heavy rail systems, Light Rail and Bus Rapid lines each can be less capital intensive, more people friendly, and spur nearby development. The

Lighter Surface Colors- Cooler World

High Albedo reflects sunlight Albedo is simply the “whiteness” of a surface; its ability to reflect light energy. Surface  reflectivity is measured in values between Zero and One-  Zero indicates complete  black and one means totally white.  When evaluating a surface, assigning it a value

BRT – Downtown Bus or Upscale Ride?

Is the BRT a better bus? No one likes the bus. No one wants to take the bus. But people do take the bus. In dense metropolitan areas, people take  transit for a variety of reasons: For many, it simply makes sense rather than battle traffic

Hexicon Wind turbine power platforms in a wind farm

New wind farm designs can power the grid

New off shore wind technology can provide baseload electricity: Imagine a future where renewable energy comes from winds so strong and so constant, that it can replace what’s known as  base-load power. Ensuring the availability of base-load (always available) power to customers is critical to the historically

Automated Pollution Free Electric Ship

Crew Free, Pollution Free Ship

An Unmanned Electric Cargo Ship: Taking current technology to the extreme, DNV GL has developed a revolutionary concept for an unmanned, zero-emission, short sea vessel. ReVolt Autonomous Emissions Free Ship The ship is named the ReVolt, this vessel is 60 metres long and is fully battery

Neptune Sized Planet X Planet 9

Neptune-sized Planet Beyond Pluto?

A New 9th planet may exist: “… Today, two scientists announced evidence that a body nearly the size of Neptune—but as yet unseen—orbits the sun every 15,000 years. During the solar system’s infancy 4.5 billion years ago, they say, the giant planet was knocked out

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