Category Archives: Build

Metal-mesh : A new approach to rechargeable batteries

New metal-mesh membrane could solve longstanding problems and lead to inexpensive power storage: Directly Quoting  MIT News: “A type of battery first invented nearly five decades ago could catapult to the forefront of energy storage technologies, thanks to a new finding by researchers at MIT.

Toyota Fuel Call Car and Hydrogen Filling Station

A Path to Cheaper Fuel Cells

Fuel cells at a fraction of prior cost:  UC Riverside creates fuel cell catalysts at a hundredth of the cost: Fuel cells have the potential to be a clean and efficient way to run cars, computers, and power stations, but the cost of producing them

Lighter Surface Colors- Cooler World

High Albedo reflects sunlight Albedo is simply the “whiteness” of a surface; its ability to reflect light energy. Surface  reflectivity is measured in values between Zero and One-  Zero indicates complete  black and one means totally white.  When evaluating a surface, assigning it a value

Project Frog Efficient Modular School

Too cool for sustainable school

Frog Design’s Modular, LEED certified school:  Frog is a company headquartered in San Francisco  doing innovative things with modular construction. No, scratch that. Project Frog is reinventing school construction. The firm is changing the nature of what we build, and how we build. Most of the

Preto batteries stores power in copper foam

Copper Foam Battery- Energy Sponge!

Prieto’s No Liquid Electrolyte Battery: Advances in battery energy and safety are critical, as lower priced energy storage is going to be an increasingly significant  part of our energy delivery systems. Already, the price for a kilowatt hour of electric cars has been reduced significantly

Netherlands Floating Homes

Dutch Plan for Rising Seas- Floating Homes

Flood resistant houses built on water:  In many coastal regions there is abundant evidence of sea level rise- and the rate of coastal loss is increasing. Countries with the most to lose are those that are the closest to sea level. We are seeing big flood

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