Category Archives: Land Use

Parking Robot

Workplace Automation Part 2 – Travel

In part one of our workplace automation series, we covered advances from the factory floor to the drone equipped delivery van- and the logistics in between. Today’s post covers the customer facing side of robotics- devices seen as you go about your day to day

Self Driving PRT Pod Heathrow Airport

PRT- Self Driving Travel Pods On Demand

Small Scale Rapid Transit: In a previous post,  we reviewed Light Rail and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) options.  In comparison to larger heavy rail systems, Light Rail and Bus Rapid lines each can be less capital intensive, more people friendly, and spur nearby development. The

BRT – Downtown Bus or Upscale Ride?

Is the BRT a better bus? No one likes the bus. No one wants to take the bus. But people do take the bus. In dense metropolitan areas, people take  transit for a variety of reasons: For many, it simply makes sense rather than battle traffic

Project Frog Efficient Modular School

Too cool for sustainable school

Frog Design’s Modular, LEED certified school:  Frog is a company headquartered in San Francisco  doing innovative things with modular construction. No, scratch that. Project Frog is reinventing school construction. The firm is changing the nature of what we build, and how we build. Most of the

Green Roof on Eco House

Sustainable Green Roofs- A Growing Idea

Living (green) roofs insulate and beautify: Green roofs are now sprouting up nearly everywhere- and have stared to come into their own. Once considered an odd, one-off that might be seen in some art colony in Vermont- Well insulated green roofs run the gamut of building styles-from

Brownfield Urban Pier New Park Race Street Philadelphia

Cargo Spaces Become People Places

Abandoned Industrial Sites become parks: What was once a cargo pier, then a municipal lot, is now home to an imaginative re-use – a public park project which cost very little, but returns quite a bit. “The Race Street Pier” park graces the banks of the historic Delaware River.

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