Category Archives: Living

Fuel Efficiency without electrification- Mazda

How efficient can an internal combustion engine get? – Mazda comes out on top in United States Environmental Protection Agency report. SKYACTIV model range achieves top spot with no diesels or electrification in U.S. market. Real-world mileage and CO2 emissions improve as Mazda again beats all

The dark side of automation- Job loss

Challenges of Rapid Automation: In this last article on automation in the workplace, the focus is on the human cost of automation’s  latest push into the workplace. In the previous set of articles, we’ve focused on Robots’ increasing presence in healthcare, transportation and the military.

RIBA robot helps patients move about

Workplace Robots Part 3 – Health Care

We began our workplace automation series by dealing mostly with highly automated manufacturing and robotic delivery. We followed that with a post which was  lighter, and focused on robots and drones in the service and travel industries. This post, part three, is focused on something

Parking Robot

Workplace Automation Part 2 – Travel

In part one of our workplace automation series, we covered advances from the factory floor to the drone equipped delivery van- and the logistics in between. Today’s post covers the customer facing side of robotics- devices seen as you go about your day to day

Self Driving PRT Pod Heathrow Airport

PRT- Self Driving Travel Pods On Demand

Small Scale Rapid Transit: In a previous post,  we reviewed Light Rail and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) options.  In comparison to larger heavy rail systems, Light Rail and Bus Rapid lines each can be less capital intensive, more people friendly, and spur nearby development. The

Lighter Surface Colors- Cooler World

High Albedo reflects sunlight Albedo is simply the “whiteness” of a surface; its ability to reflect light energy. Surface  reflectivity is measured in values between Zero and One-  Zero indicates complete  black and one means totally white.  When evaluating a surface, assigning it a value

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