Category Archives: Transit

Mercedes Bus drives itself

Automated Work Part 4 – Transportation

Driverless Public Transit Vehicles – Thus far, in our “work automation” series, we’ve posted about factory and logistics mechanization,  self guided travel, and robotics in  health care. This post is completely transportation- specifically,  what’s new about your commute now? How will automation effect how we travel

Robots – in a workplace near you.

Here at the WorkSmith we’re excited by advances in manufacturing, advances in personal transportation and breakthroughs in automation. Factory Automation In this first of several posts on automation and robotics, we’re going to focus on aspects of Elon Musk’s recent release of his “Master Plan

Jet Set1960s Hyperloop

The Jet Set Hyperloop!

Is Elon Musk’s tube train a blast from the past? The Hyperloop. It’s new – It’s different – It’s amazing! Except that it’s not that new. But it is amazing- and a little different! Low pressure tube travel – Hovering. floating,  levitating-  Rapid low friction

Self Driving PRT Pod Heathrow Airport

PRT- Self Driving Travel Pods On Demand

Small Scale Rapid Transit: In a previous post,  we reviewed Light Rail and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) options.  In comparison to larger heavy rail systems, Light Rail and Bus Rapid lines each can be less capital intensive, more people friendly, and spur nearby development. The

BRT – Downtown Bus or Upscale Ride?

Is the BRT a better bus? No one likes the bus. No one wants to take the bus. But people do take the bus. In dense metropolitan areas, people take  transit for a variety of reasons: For many, it simply makes sense rather than battle traffic

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