Tag Archives: Climate Change

Lighter Surface Colors- Cooler World

High Albedo reflects sunlight Albedo is simply the “whiteness” of a surface; its ability to reflect light energy. Surface  reflectivity is measured in values between Zero and One-  Zero indicates complete  black and one means totally white.  When evaluating a surface, assigning it a value

Hexicon Wind turbine power platforms in a wind farm

New wind farm designs can power the grid

New off shore wind technology can provide baseload electricity: Imagine a future where renewable energy comes from winds so strong and so constant, that it can replace what’s known as  base-load power. Ensuring the availability of base-load (always available) power to customers is critical to the historically

Netherlands Floating Homes

Dutch Plan for Rising Seas- Floating Homes

Flood resistant houses built on water:  In many coastal regions there is abundant evidence of sea level rise- and the rate of coastal loss is increasing. Countries with the most to lose are those that are the closest to sea level. We are seeing big flood

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